Recovery is a journey

Emily Freitag
2 min readJan 18, 2022

This post is adapted from an email originally shared on January 14, 2022. If you would like to receive future emails, you can sign up here.

A belated happy new year! 2022 is not pulling any punches.

Last summer, we all had high hopes for the learning recovery and student support we would be able to focus on this year and feel disappointment when new challenges disrupt those plans. But recovery is not an event; it is a journey. Recovery will not be checked off in the activities of a semester or even a school year — it will be lived out in our commitment to keep working at the job of supporting students’ needs, as long as it takes. Some days, supporting learning recovery will look like coaching instruction and strengthening counseling support. Some days, it will look like another round of schedule revisions and substitute teacher recruitment calls.

In 10 years, when we look back on COVID’s impact on education, we know we will see lasting consequences, and we will all have made leadership choices we regret with the benefit of hindsight. This is the brutal reality. But I am equally certain we will look back and see that the consequences could have been much worse but for the heroic daily efforts of teachers and leaders to keep fighting to support every day of learning. Because every day matters for every student.

We’ll pick up our series on early literacy in a few weeks. Until then, here are some of the resources we’ve found helpful in this moment:



Emily Freitag

Instruction Partners CEO, former AssistCommish for TDOE, library lover, Sunday afternoon chef and head of the Jan, Owen and Liam fan club.